Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP- A Free Virtual Workshop
7:00 PM19:00

Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP- A Free Virtual Workshop

This presentation will delve into the Individual Education Program (IEP) document, its development, the breakdown of each section and understanding how the document will support a student.

Registration Link:

Harvard SEPAC, (978) 216-2213,

Presenter: Tracey Morgan, (781) 734-0419,

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SEPAC meeting
7:00 PM19:00

SEPAC meeting

Join us online for our monthly SEPAC business meeting. We will continue work on out by-laws, mission statement, and survey, as well as provide updates on the Special Education Advisories during pandemic. Email for a link.

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Attorney Didonna: Understanding Your Rights in Special Education
6:00 PM18:00

Attorney Didonna: Understanding Your Rights in Special Education

"I have been a Special Education Director (Early Childhood/Preschool) for six years and have attended many seminars about IEPs and regulations. This is the best I have attended... the information was presented logically and clearly, with concise answers." Lisa Robinson, Shrewsbury Public Schools

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Parent Support Group Special Topic: Parent and Caregiver Self-Care
10:00 AM10:00

Parent Support Group Special Topic: Parent and Caregiver Self-Care

  • Volunteers Hall, Harvard Public Library (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for a special topic- self care as a parent to children with differences. We spend so much time and effort focused on our kids and their needs that we can forget to take care of ourselves. Come prepared with your self-care questions and tips. Licensed Mental Health Counselor Aspen Ference will provide some guidance on stress reduction techniques and dealing with the ups and downs that are a daily part of parenting.
*The Public Library has story time for ages 3-7 from 10:30-11:00 run by teen volunteers. If you would like to come to this event but need childcare, please give me a few weeks advance notice, and I will help arrange sitters to be in the children's room.

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Official SEPAC Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

Official SEPAC Meeting

Exciting news- Our first official SEPAC meeting! Location TBD. We are going to release the agenda to the group very soon, but we are planning on breaking into three groups to:

  1. Develop our By-laws

  2. Develop our Mission Statement

  3. Narrow down questions to put in a survey about SPED that will be distributed to the community, and used to advise administration

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